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Poem: “Just Breathe” from the movie The Healer


I wanted to share this beautiful poem I heard recently in a movie I watched called The Healer.

It was spoken by a beautiful soul — a wise 14 year old named Abigail Bryant who was diagnosed with a bad case of marshmallow.


Just breathe.

We all at some point stop breathing.

What if we lived one breath at a time.

We speak as though breathing is easy because it is innate.

Half the time we don’t even notice our breath.

When did breathing become the uncool kid that all the other body parts ignored?

Think about the phrase “catch your breath.”

You have to catch it because you lost control of it.

Alec and Cecilia, find control over your breath.

And please live for me like tomorrow is your last day.”


Remember to breathe this week and take it one breath at a time.

Much love.

Believing in you,


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